SABIK | Adaptative System

Good air quality throughout your home, whatever the conditions


We extend the family


The heat recovery unit with moisture recovery

Now you can maintain a much more comfortable and healthy indoor environment, as well as achieve greater energy savings, with the new SABIK ENTHALPY. 
The membranes that form the heat exchanger allow water vapor to be transferred from one flow rate to another, preventing polluting particles from penetrating through them. 
🔆 In summer we keep excess moisture outside the house.
❄️ In winter we prevent the interior of the house from drying out excessively, keeping our home in a recommended humidity range.

Optimum comfort at the touch of a button


Cook, party, dance, sleep.

Take a shower, have dinner with friends, relax reading a book and breathe easily.

Switch on your SABIK and enjoy the best air quality throughout your home for continuous and maximum comfort.

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Comfort, energy saving and health


SABIK includes filters that ensure good indoor air quality within your home. Thanks to its low energy fans, it is able to continuously replace the indoor air, reducing the concentration of pollutants and the many associated health risks in the most energy efficient way.

What’s more, during the Winter its heat exchanger allows the heat to be transferred from the home to the incoming air without any contamination of air paths. In Summer, this process is reversed to ensure that warmed air does not re-enter the home.

Thanks to SABIK, you can be assured of an ideal indoor environment, saving energy consumption and energy bills.


The smart thing to do is to adapt

SABIK is designed to be a highly efficient product that breaks adaptability rules.

Built in a modular way, capable of modifying its behaviour and adapting to the changes or needs of the home, saving on consumption.



Do you want to know more about SABIK?

Please complete the form below to request a free consultation with one of our ventilation specialist.